Monday, November 05, 2007

Carton Recycling in Camden

Camden Council has recently introduced recycling of beverage cartons for residents. Seven collection points have already been set up around the borough where residents can bring their clean, flattened cartons. Camden Friends of the Earth would like to thank the Council for setting up the scheme. Further information, including the location of collection points, can be found on the Camden Council site

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi i wasnt sure where to post this but i came accross your blog from the britblog directory. i think some of the things your are introducing to your community should be something that everyone should know about not just in camden. i help out at a forum which i believe your ideas and thoughts could be heard on a global scene. there are two areas one for the younger people and a section for over 19's :

It would be great to see some of you on the forum as i really like your ideas. i always believe we haev to wrok together to make a greener planet.