Saturday, December 11, 2004

Eco Design Christmas Stall

Camden FOE had a stall at the Eco Design Christmas Market in Camden.

We managed to get over 70 people to complete energy efficiency surveys of their homes and provided information on the groups activities including the Alliance Against Urban 4x4s.

A long time environmentalist visits the stall

Suzy and Steffi doing some erm market research

Suzy 'networking' with an American environmentalist

Chatting with friends of Camden FOE

Steffi tries on a new eco pom pom hat

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Jumpstart Land Rover Action

Posting a parking ticket on a 4x4

Alliance Jump Starts Rover!

The Alliance against Urban 4x4s held a major demo outside a Land Rover dealership in West London. Mock parking tickets were placed on 4x4s to get the message across. The action received considerable press attention including: articles in the Scotsman, The Evening Standard, NY Herald and NY Times, and radio interviews.

The group jump starting land rover

not safe not clean not cool - stopurban 4x4s

Suzy makes the message clear

Saturday, July 10, 2004

Somerstown Festival

Camden FOE attended the Somerstown Festival.

We had a stall to enable children to get close to nature by planting organic lettuices. We also gave away low energy light bulbs and information on energy efficiency measures for local people.

the free lightbulbs sold well!

Suzy discusses organics with local children

Steffi lights up the stall!

local residents fill in an energy efficiency questionnaire

check out Lora's flaires

saving the planet makes you feel good

Sunday, July 04, 2004

Camden Green Festival

Camden FOE had a stall at the Camden Green Fair. We encouraged children to plant organic lettuices whilst informing them and their parents about climate change.

local children planting lettuice leaves

Danny folding leaflets

floral tribute!

sign up sign up!

Getting your fingers dirty

Steffi helps with the planting

another happy customer!

More details of Camden Green Festival can be found at:

Camden Council Website

Groundwork Trust Website